Hello world!
Well been back in the UK now for four days and I haven’t touched my assignments yet... oops! Just been way to busy with birthdays and things! We now have a very large fish tank in our room. I thought it’d be the perfect present for Chris, which it is, but the tank is a massive 30 litre Biorb! We’ve got four little fish settling in at the moment and they’re very cute. It’s nice to have a bit of life in the room anyway, I miss having a pet here.
I finally succumbed to buying a new mobile phone today. I’d been using my housemate’s old one after the phone smashing incident previously mentioned and its finally given up and keeps telling me the wrong dates and deleting my messages naughty phone! So I ended up forking out fifty five quid on a LG cookie phone. It’s purple and rather snazzy if I do say so myself... I’ve spent this afternoon playing with it and discovering what all the buttons do. It’s flipping confusing but I have worked out how to send texts and take photos which is a proud moment!
Last night my dreams came true. Me, Gen and Kirsten trekked to Laaaandaan to see the fabulous Shooting Stars filmed. The audience tickets are free and it was so worth the little trip. We basically had a free lesson in laughing. Never have a felt so weird laughing... the guy came on to warm us up (not us three personally or physically) but to warm up the crowd. He had us practising laughing. We had a belly laugh, titter and a chortle. Very strange indeed. Especially sitting in the middle of the front row, I felt rather exposed!
Watching the actual show in action though was just great. I was overwhelmed at seeing Simon King one of the Hairy Bikers in real life. He is so funny and it was difficult to resist temptation to jump over the barrier and give him a big hearty hug. He was on Ulrika Johnson’s team and my goodness is she looking haggard, the old bat. She ambled out, probably a size 4 (UK) if that and made a huge show of pulling her jeans up which we falling off of her scrawny frame. Blurgh, it was a sight for sore eyes. All she did was sit pulling idiotic faces all night and having the piss ripped out of her by Vic and Bob. Which I enjoyed immensely obviously. Jack Dee was also there, very short little grumpy man. It was great but it exposed how unglamorous showbiz is. It’s a long process and the set so cheap and wobbly. Its helping me gets over my tendency to get star struck to easily by seeing more famous people. A couple of years ago I got star struck at seeing Patricia Amos in town. She was the first woman to be imprisoned for not sending her kids to school.
On that note BYE!
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