Good evening voyeuristic readers of Blogdom.
I hope you’re sat down for this unbelievable news... i am typing this message to you from the comfort of my bed... yes. That’s right I have FINALLY bought a lap top! DUN DUNDDUUUUN! This may seem like a speck in the ocean of technology and I’m sure i am the odd one out here. It is a rather big deal for me though. I arrived at university on my first day and was branded a hippy because the only electrical item i bought with me was my radio. Looking back, i suppose it was rather strange seeing as everyone had TVs and lap tops and some even computer consoles. I have gradually built up my collection of technology and today made that final leap into Laptop Kingdom. And daym don’t it feel good! I feel like a proper student and all that. Weirdly its easier to write and I’m going to be one of those annoying people that takes their laptop to Pret and looks longingly at it googling French poetry and the like. I will keep you posted with computer related mishaps of which there are bound to be many. Oh. Did i mention it is also cherry red? B.E.A.Utiful! so now I have a new phone and computer and I can actually link them up and my phone doubles as an MP3 player (something which i didn’t own before also) so looks like I’m sorted for the foreseeable future! Better get these keys burning, it’s just me and the fish tonight so a perfect opportunity to do work a plenty!
Peace out technogeeks
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