Bet you thought I'd overdosed on corned beef and pickle sandwichs eh? I've come close, I wont lie to you. I'm home at the moment for the Easter holidays. Three weeks off for Easter. It's great to be home with my Mum and Katie for a while before I jet set it to Aachen. So I'm spending one week here (today is my last day) a couple of days in Uckfield with Chris' family and then this Saturday we will begin the drive to Germany. I've been informed that we will be stopping off at Flanders Fields and Bruges (WHERE IN BRUGES WAS FILMED DUUUH) and guess which one I'm more excited about? Seeing the place where In Bruges was filmed... obviously. This is the one occasion I will allow the word philistine to be bandied around okay?
Anyway I am rather excited because I've not been out of the country since a college holiday to Majorca, and lets face it. That was NOT my cultural awakening.
So... Hmmm... This week. This week Chris and I visited the spanking new Ashmoleum museum in Oxford. I tend to drift off in museums but I like this one because the building is nice to look at. I saw an old piggy bank from the Iron ages or something and learnt that apparently pigs are a sign of wealth and prosperity and that is why we have piggy banks. I'm a fountain of knowledge I am. So we had Falafel for lunch (very exotic) and had a browse of the market. If you get the chance to visit Oxford go on a Thursday or Saturday when the market is on. Its all dream catchers and second hand furniture and coats etc (you get the jist) and I hearts it I do. You always find something unusual. I once bought there two creepy looking dolls just for the hell of it. They were only two quid so I thought why not? They still watch me sleep at night and guard my room whilst I am away....
I've also visited my Granddad which is always pure entertainment. Didn’t get to speak to him much as he was chewing a toffee for the duration of our visit and insisted we have one too. Don’t know where he flipping found those toffees but I don’t think they've been approved by the health and safety laws. So we had a little chat and spent twenty minutes listening to each other slurp and smack our lips together pulling each filling out one by one. Now don’t you tell me the Scots don’t know how to have a good time...?
And so I will be travelling down to Uckfield near Brighton tomorrow. I was informed that the sign reading 'Uckfield' had to be trimmed before the 'U" because silly youths insisted on putting an F right in front of the name. I shall have to have a look-see tomorrow. It’s juvenile but funny. Probably the kids only form of entertainment in that town and they took it away.
Hope you are enjoying the Easter break if you are lucky enough to have it. I better crack on with some work. Unfortunately I cant do any of my proper essay work because clever me saved my work in the wrong format and now I cant open it at home so im just planning and things until I get back to Birmingham. As I have stated in previous blogs, me + technology = disaster.
Hope the Easter bunny bought you a little egg. He bought me a yummy Thornton’s one but Douglas my boarder collie, nightmare, poofter of a dog decided he wanted it. What a waste, he only threw it up the next day in the back yard. Little pig; I’m still not talking to him. He’s got some making up to do.
Hopefully I will blog back soon of my many adventures in sausage land. (Aachen, not Brighton) and will have many a tale to tell!
Ciao x
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