Hi guys and dolls!
Sorry it's taken me so long to get on here, it's been a wee bit busy for me.
I finally finished my assignments and handed those buggers in. I'm now typing to you from glorious Banbury, "as many canals as..." well Banbury.
This blog will now be magically transformed into a daily / nearly daily account of my day but it will sound slightly different. Dear readers I have got myself into a situation. As a student and because of bloody Adele the Dell I am as skint as a racoon living in the pocket of a tramp. This is a problem. I want a tan this year and it sure as hell aint gonna be happening in Banbury (the canal water doesnt stick to you the same as salty sea water)so obviously I need to get closest to the sun as possible. To earn some money to go on my adventures I am back working as a teaching assistant at my old secondary school again! In case you didnt know, this is how I spent my gap year before I decided I was mental and was going to University. Rash decision but glad I made it!
So now this blog will be from me.. Miss Lelli!
I hope you enjoy it, it will only be runnning til the end of July when I finish. I genuinely love this job and I always have lots of different tales to tell from my day which I'm sure you'll find just as amusing as me because.. well.. kids do say the funniest, weirdest and most outlandish things!
Right now my head is thumping but tommorrow will be my first instalment from the school..
Good night and sweet dreams from Miss (in the LEAST creepiest way)x
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