I HATE male drivers. Come to think of it i also hate female drivers. Driving Katie six miles in the opposite direction of the town to get ready at her friends house for a night out clubbing even though she was already ready (dont ask) I was overtaken whilst approaching a village with a speed limit of 30mph. There were traffic lights turning to red less than 100 metres ahead of us. What was the point? I think the fact I was a female driving an orange Matiz may have had something to do with it. So, we are in one of my most disliked villages in Oxfordshire (that's another story) having just dropped Kate off and tried to withdraw cash from the village ATM which was broken (much like the villagers faces) and trying to navigate my way down a small road only big enough for one car what with the line of cars parked on the right of me. So this big bolshy silver car pulls round the corner wanting to get past me. "I dont think so mister, I have right of way" were my EXACT thoughts. So i slowed down but continued on my merry way. Much to my utter shock he CARRIED ON! The cheek. And also shaking his head at me which lets face it only infuriated me even more. Not giving up (after the first car related incident) I ploughed through and made it! yay go me... But jeezhoo was I mad. I think I've finally reached the point, after nearly three years of driving the novelty has finally worn off. I think I hate it. I think I hate it so much that I am thinking about asking for a hand gun to store in the glove compartmentfor my 21st birthday (which is in a week if youre asking). There's only one thing for it. I will have to win the lottery and pay someone to drive me around everywhere. It is the only option left that will not end in me with a thirty year sentence for murder.
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