It’s been lovely today. My Mum and Kate came up to Birmingham to celebrate the fact that our mother is such a fabulous, beautiful person. I gave her a wind chime for the garden (to piss our snobby neighbours off) and Bee Movie (to piss Kate off). Only joking. Well half. Chortle. Kate and I also treated Mother dearest to a massage. It was her first one and she loved it. It made her all sleepy which was hilarious and her head was too big for the hole in the table (sorry Mum). Whilst waiting for her to finish we sat up in Prêt on New Street which is my favourite peering spot. I sat up there for four hours once just watching people go by attempting to read. I only bought one cup of £1.20 tea which I think annoyed the staff a bit but what can you do? Anyway today a sight so unusual was seen that I believe it made me laugh and choke on my Earl Grey. A dog in a pram. I wish I was joking. This (grown up might I add) couple (obviously infertile) had a little red pram with a tiny fluffy corgi type dog sat in it. I’m not sure if they know that this is unacceptable behaviour but judging by their nonchalance at passers by sniggering I’m guessing that they really didn’t care. Oh people.
Mum was naughty today and treated me to this little wee handbag I’ve had my eye on for weeks in TK Maxx. You may be familiar with the rules of this shop: there are no rules. It’s like a bargain bucket. Sometimes they only have one of something and you have to use your greasy little fingers to grab at the juicy find. And I did grab today. I love it; it’s a little orange leather bag with a corsage on the front. I’m not really selling it to you am I? Anyway I LOVE it. We stuffed our faces at Around the World in 80 Dishes on Broad St. A buffet is always a winner with me. Unlimited food you say? I’m there. For a tenner at lunchtime you can try and kill yourself with food consumption. Some buffets are manky but because it’s unlimited you feel the need to keep eating the undercooked potatoes and sticky noodles, but not here. You have to choose VERY carefully about what you choose to eat. It’s a very mathematical procedure combining your hunger levels, stomach capacity and the time it takes your stomach to realise you’re full (twenty minutes for anyone who cares). You DO NOT fill up on unnecessary starters such as bread. You must decide whether you really want the lasagne. That is a lot of filling carbs. If you must, take a small slice and eat it quickly. The curry is a great dish but can make you feel bloated; this must be saved until last. This method can be tailored to your specific needs and will ensure you succeed in getting your money’s worth and you can try a bit of everything.
Do visit sometime you wont be disappointed! (No I don’t work there; I just genuinely love this place.)
Hope you have had a relaxing evening and you’re ready for the week ahead!
Bye bye!
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