It is still unknown to me as to why me and my housemate Gen just spent two hours of our precious lives watching this years Brit awards. Among the shit miming, shit sound quality and even shitter selection of people introducing the acts which to be honest gets everyones goat... WHAT THE FRICK was geri sodding-arsed Halliwell doing on my screen? she was so BLATANTLY trying to get attention by saying "outrageous" comments like not including Mel C in her list of thank yous and by saying that she wished GaGa had played a song she knew etc etc . Gosh is she not SO CONTRAVERSIAL??! Aside from the fact that no one gives a flying toss about the "feud" with the Spice Girls ten years ago and who fell out with whom but what really nags me is that Geri thought it appropiate to give her opinion on music! Granted... SHIT music but music all the same. Now, I am into my pop and rnb more than any other genre (along with soul) but even I thought this evening's line up was terrible and I have NO values when it comes to music.
BUT Geri was BLATANTLY trying to get attention. It was embarrassing because it was so obvious that Fern Cotton didnt know how to react to her "mad" comment so she just went.. "errr yeah so.. JLS what do you think about...." and tried to keep the conversation light. God Geri is such a bitch. What a trouble-making skinny-yoga-bumming-ginger-bitch. Dont even get me started on Jonathon Ross...
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