Okay so last night DID NOT go to plan. My fabulous mother drove us 60 miles to see this bloody James Cordan show being filmed only to be told that five mins before we'd shown up that the studio had reached it's maximum capacity. She was NOT happy. I wasnt either, I'd curled her hair and everything for the occasion!
There was a massive queue of people behind us as well just waiting to poke the small spotty boy who'd been appointed to tell everyone the bad news right in the eye balls. I felt quite sorry for him but then my anger took over and I forgot all about it. So we drove all the way home only stopping for an overpriced hot chocolate at the service station which rivalled the Bull Ring with its spangly, glassy, white paraphanalia. It was dead posh so I treated myself to a KFC snackbox. and snack it was. I dont think 5 pieces of popcorn chicken and a handfull of chips constitutes a "snack" but then I am rather hoggy. Oink. So that's the end of that story. No rubbing shoulders with celebs or nothing. Never liked the tubby prick anyways :)
Been reading that feminist lady's poetry. She aint half bad! I like this image in particular: "The sky paints itself onto the sea." That's cool right? I think so!
I will have to be quick lots to do and this glass of Rose is just asking me to inhale it. Getting drunk and blogging is NEVER a good idea so I wish you all a delightful evening of lurrrrve!
Bit of creativity to end the night. Please don't be depressed I'm just sharing random bits and bobs I've written recently. This one is a bit older and quite personal, it was written in the moment but I will annoy you with it anyways :) thank you and goodnight!
Cactus tears, inescapable heat.
Gory hurt, daring nausia digs.
Foggy damp confusion smothers us,
We breathe it in, our lungs are heavy.
Twenty four hour years slump past.
They gorge on our pain.
Healing time? Unpicking stitches.
Your three rocks are now sand.
Blown away by your breeze of rejection.
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