Okay, so whilst trying to get my research done for my feminism critique I decided to pop on a bit of TV and much to my delight stumbled upon Gladiators! (the old school 90s one not the crappy new version). It's not that I enjoy the sight of men's unnaturally bulging thighs in unforgiving spandex outfits (although its nice to see someone with bigger thighs than me) but I love the fun family nature of the show. It seemed so innocent when me, my little sis and parents all squished together on a Saturday night to watch the competition unfold. I always felt excited and loved that travellator! There is a similar contraption at One Stop my local shopping centre but I'm not sure running up it in a latex two-piece is acceptable in Perry Barr.... but judging by the attire some females favour; you never know.
Annnnywho. Whilst writing little notes on feminists and their "isms" I started to wonder about my own stance on feminism. If im honest they've always annoyed me. I kind of think "what more could you possibley want in this world??" (apart from the obvious like equal pay which i think anyone who isnt a moron would agree with)it just seems nowadays like unneccessary whinging and attenion seeking from ugly lesbians who were too hideous to attract a male and so their bitterness sent them on a quest to cause havoc to make men look like pigs at every oppertunity. I never understood this as someone with a relatively normal father figure and as someone who was respected as a female (or so i believe). As i delved (or is it dolved... it sounds better) into the fems a bit more I realised its deeper than my black and white analogy but in all honesty its just too old and boring to care about right now. I feel like I can do anything and I am not restrained at all by my gender. "But thats what society has conditioned you think" they would argue. Then my brain scrambles even more and I get comepletely confused.
My point is that I was wondering if a show like Gladiators would have suceeded now in the way it did back in the 90s or if there would be a massive uproar. As a female I didnt see the women as objectified because it was just a bit of fun to me. And i like to think that it would be the case now. The more women moan, the more men can say that we moan. Self fullfilling prophecy anyone??
Oh god, I really DIDNT mean to rant about feminism. How dull.
This blog at the moment is meant to be a kind of journal for my life writing class for my autobiography and I'd rather like to use the memory of my father's "obsession" with Jet and Lightening within my autobiogrpahy.
I think its quite a nice little image and I like to think that as a female (Aged 9) that I took it in jest and that it didnt make me think that all women who have muscular thighs and wear a sliver of latex are attractive and that the show reflected reality in any way.
Ive gone on far too long and if you're not sure why then join the club because neither am I. Be aware that I change my opinions every day and tomorrow you could well read a blog started with "So... have you ever noticed how all men are bastards...?" I dont think its fickle or flakey. I just cannot for the life of me decide what I think about anything. It took me half an hour to decide on my chicken and oyster sauce dish I'm currently waiting to be delievered to my front door. So that's it for now until tomorrow. I wonder what memories I will dredge up for you.... ooooh I know, the wait is going to kill you!
Ta for now rantees. xx
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