Quick update for you hoes!
I'm currently working on drafts of my autobiography. I have three ideas in mind and because the word limit is only 3000 words I cannot fit my whole life into such a small bracket! If you could have a sneeky peek at my three ideas I'd really appreciate it and maybe comment on which one you think is a winner? It's really hard to look at your own life objectively.
1 - A diary of our family as we moved house (10 times in fact if you count my two uni houses)It will track how our family changed and will give you an insight into my family and houses as well as just me.
2 - Diary of a teaching assistant. This will be a piece on my year of working with the special kids at the Warriner School. Bloody loved this job. It will be more funny and anecdotes about the kids will be included.
3 - A piece on this year starting with the summer when everything went a bit tits up to be honest with you. Starting with my Dad moving out and leaving us. I then lost my house in Birmingham and moved in with my boyfriend. Everything with me is good now, but the parental situation has not sorted itself out. I'm not even sure where on earth my dad is. Because I'm still confused I'm not sure if it is a good idea to write about this. Is it too depressing? Should I leave it out of my autobiography all together? I cannot beleive I have to write this now at such a pivitol moment in my life which is still in motion.
Help! Your comments would be so muchly appreciated! I'm sure you guys also writing this for class are finding it a bit difficult. At least I hope you are so I don't feel so rotton!
Thanks you! There is a picture above of me enjoying the giant pork pie from Walsall previously discussed. Gosh it was YUMZERS!
Night night x
Bex I think it depends on which approach you wanna take ie, funny, sad, angry etc. I think you should write about the stuff to do with your dad because in a weird way it might help you figure out how you really feel about the whole situation x
ReplyDeletehmm yeah. I have already written drafts for both, and I will probably end up writing them all. I'll have to decide which way to write it though youre right! ta love x