Well hello!
You've caught me a bad time. I have just received news that I am expecting the boots I sold on Ebay returned to me because the buyer wasn't happy with them. He got a pair of 90 quid boots for 50 quid for gods sake what is his problem?! Im annoyed as these boots were the bain of my life for months as a tried breaking them in and they insisted on rubbing my left heel like sandpaper and so I passed them on to a new home. Poor boots are coming back like an unwanted child from a foster family. Im sad. Anywho enough of that Jason9987 asshole for now.
Im currently sat at home at me mother's place in Baaaanbury. I've managed to avoid the town centre so far apart from picking my little (18 year old) sister up from work. That was an adventure in itself trying to dodge idiots in their Rage Rovers and souped up Clios. Knob heads. For someone so hot headed I think Ive done well not to phisically hurt someone in a car-anger situation yet. Mind you I was driving my mum's orange Matiz so the joke was on me.
I saw a hilarious women as I was waiting outside Crofts pet shop for Katie ('little' sis). I swear to God she had more roots than dyed hair. She looked like an aneven, back-to-front badger. It was a disgrace. Hair dye only costs about 3 quid if youre scrimping but it gets worse. HER ROOTS WERE GREY. And judging buy the state of her four obese children I can only assume she was going to the pet store to get their tea. Bloody animals.
It's nice to be back home for two nights just to chill out and eat as much free food as I can in one sitting. Also in relation to writing my autobiography it is helpful to be back in the place I grew up in. It jogs a few memories. We've moved house alot in the past and I'm pretty sure in my little life-span ive lived at nine different houses. So yep, didn't stay put for anymore than 2 or three years really. I thought this was normal but apparently not! I remember one boy at primary school calling my a Gyppo because we moved house alot. So i explained that we moved HOUSE and not TRAILERS but he still didnt get it the little git. We always stayed in the Oxfordshire area but constantly moved about. Ive decided that this could be a good theme for my autobigrpahy about tracking how things in the family changed from house to house because there has been some odd ones. Especilly one right out in the sticks. It was a real 'The Hills Have Eyes' moment.
I quite like Banbury(to scrutinise), it's a strange place, there is a real divide between the villagers (who are usually quite well off) and drive their Rage Rovers and have children called Toby and Jessica and then in the town live the the strange bods such as Badger Lady I previously described and the children who are already reproducing and having more children. I'm sure the town is getting worse and I'm not sure who I despise more (although my knob detector is pointing towards the posh
Of course youve got the regular people in the middle but they kind of get forgotten about amongst the sea of jeremy kyle victims and dickheads in jodhpurs. (god i hate jodhpurs).
ANYWAY being back here is okay. as long as I stay within the walls of my little sane(ish) family. Off to see James Cordan's new quiz show being filmed tonight somewhere in Buckinghamshire. Hopefully we will make it there in time to get a seat as the ticket says its a 'first come first serve' kinda ticket. What kind of ticket it THAT? So i'll let you know how that goes!
Back to bruuuum tommorrow!
Ta for now rantees.
Lol Becky your posts make me laugh xx